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What is Positive Media Proposals?

"As you think so do you become", is the oldest adage in the world. We must ask ourselves the question, "How do we come to think what we think?" Quite literally, we think what the community, the family and the media suggest. Recent studies have shown that the average school child in America becomes exposed to twice as many hours of television programming as school teaching by the time they graduate from high school. We are inadvertently becoming the by-product of socially irresponsible media programming. Ninety to ninety-five percent of daily news broadcasting focuses on disasters, human ignobility and marginal social beings that do not adapt to stressful life in complex society. Somehow we have come to seek the worst, report the worst and mistakenly focus on the worst in anxiety producing situations and events. This has been called, "informing the public". If in a city, the size of Salt Lake city, Utah, one murder has been committed in a population of approximately 600,000 residents, where is the objectivity in the news report to balance this isolated event? Along with the murder did we see the glamorized cooperation of dozens of neighbors, police, social service workers, and doctors and the rest of society that mobilized to neutralize this ignoble human failure? Positive news coverage does not have to become "milk toast" as so many media defenders suggest. Human intelligence expresses itself creatively when properly stimulated. We can end this "telling to ourselves" that we are corrupt, dangerous and out of control. At any moment, we can change our focus and we can change our self-fulfilling prophecies about human life on this planet. The choices rest with individuals who exercise their right to participate with redesigning the public information that flows out through the media. Expanding mass communication systems such as television, radio, newspaper, various printing mediums and increasing varieties of computers have no intrinsic value of themselves. Their usefulness rests solely in the decisions made by broadcasters, editors, programmers and WE, THE CONSUMERS. Who outnumbers whom? "Once power is accrued in any center, it will never willingly relinquish that power. It must, therefore, be destroyed from within by revolution or from without by war." This paraphrase from the great philosopher, Bertrand Russell, appears to be relevant when reviewing the media's inability to govern itself towards performance for the upliftment of society. We, as citizens have delayed in taking thoughtful responsibility for sending positive directives to powerful media centers. We no longer can avoid the confrontation between the power of the few and the need of the noble majority. We the majority must positively withdraw our consent for the misuse of public communications systems through conscientious participation. Positive Media Proposals encourages and helps direct individuals in specific ways of participation with new directions for public media expression. In consideration of limited time that individuals have for social involvement, a carefully designed group of suggestions for action are presented for your convenience.
From the Attic
Without having to leave the sanctity of your home or without meeting with one other committee, you can sit, "even in your attic," to write a letter of concern to any media control person. Your letter can be sent to one individual or duplicated, ad infinitum, and sent to dozens, hundreds or thousands of media involved people. Hence, there is no ground for the argument that, "we do not have time to become involved".
A slightly more ambitious approach might be individuals drafting several types of media focused letters, and shearing them with some like-minded friends. Copying and distributing these letters in mass can then become a fun project.
A still more ambitious approach might be a group of individuals getting together to lobby manufactures to use their advertising dollars for the support of only those programs that reflect the better part of human nobility. The obvious benefit for the manufacturer lies in the public relations gained through such controlled outlays of their advertising monies.
Other concerned groups may want to promote open dialogue in their community to stimulate awareness for responsibility in media management. These projects will affect the "whole well beingness" of our presently weak society. Positively directed activities relieve us of the self-inflicted feelings of victimization and get us informatively participating with values of life worth preserving. We can launch our own private campaign and go to war against the ignobility, inhumanity and degrading preoccupation with antisocial behavior focused on in the media.
Wholly Wholesome
When we are whole and in a state of balance, creativity is a natural product. When we are ill or ill begottenly frightened we become reactional and excessively defensive. Mass media can creatively express itself when the participants have the whole well beingness of the individual and the extended world populace clearly in view. Death, mayhem, corruption and assorted forms of murder offer little creativity and it's about time we stopped deluding ourselves that it makes fascinating fare. Actually, sharing in the triumph of a seriously handicapped person over apparent difficulties adds fascinating hope instead of anxiety to our lives. Stimulating the creative eye to look for positive media opportunities opens the door to an endless source of uplifting expression.
Overcoming Objections
It is not necessary to fall into the error of believing that pointing media towards positive directions will lead to whitewashing negative aspects of human life. Over-react ional media persons delight in suggesting that positive reporting equates to "propaganda style" manipulation. Where did such silly reactionalism get its root? Surely, we can afford to add 10% more positive reporting in the news media without making a fairy-tale of life. One could legitimately ask media personalities whether or not they would like their children raised on a steady diet of what they themselves produce for mass consumption. If we do not move conscientiously to correct our social irresponsibility in monitoring media, 50 to 100 years form now our children and our children's children will inherit magnified problems of OUR MAKE.
Joint Support for Change
In order that we might find collective energy through individual participation in these outlined efforts, we encourage you to share your experiences with Positive Media Proposals headquarters. It would be helpful if you were to send photocopies of the materials or letters sent out, so that it may be sorted and documented. A list of names and addresses to which your documentation has been sent would serve several purposes for coordination of the project. A large portfolio of proposals and appeals should be collected and processed for statistical information. This research data can provide valuable insights into future project designs. If you share the general philosophy outlined in Positive Media Proposals and would like to further public awareness, may we suggest ordering more brochures in bulk at nominal rates. Please direct all correspondence, orders and questions to coordination headquarters in Paradise Valley, Arizona.
Important Note
Deliberate effort has been made by Positive Media Proposals to free these projects from partisan political, social or religious points of view. The sole purpose in forming the Positive Media Proposals is to stimulate individuals to actively participate in airing their points of view to media producers in a positive and responsible fashion.
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